phone my friend Claire

About phone my friend Claire

Claire is a postpartum doula and also offers a one of a kind confidential online and over the phone "listening service" for anybody that is lonely or that just wants to be heard.

How does taking a walk in the park help if you are feeling lonely …

Phone My Friend says if you are feeling lonely take a walk it helps lift the mood

Walking is not only good for your heart, but also good for your body and soul.

  1. Walking makes you happier and can lift your mood very quickly and helps to combat depression.
  2. Walking at a reasonably fast pace helps your body to reduce stress.  The cortisol hormone moves through your body causing a feel good factor.
  3. Walking briskly clears your mind and allows for creativity and allows for reflection.
  4. Walking clears away that dull feeling in your brain which helps make room for the creativity.
  5. Walking improves concentration and is extremely beneficial to children if they walk to school each day or if you park your car away from the office and walk briskly to work.
  6. Walking builds relationships.  For some people who find it hard to make eye contact whilst talking (teenagers) walking with them allows them to express themselves about tough subjects and builds the relationship to a better level.
  7. Walking with others helps if you are feeling lonely.  Feeling lonely and chatting with others helps to combat those lonely feelings.  Sometimes you don’t have to have lengthy conversations with people, but just being among the company of others helps if you feel lonely.   If you are new to the area and don’t have people to walk with, join a walking group. offer some great ones
  8. Walking whilst listening to upbeat music without depressing lyrics, lifts your spirits and puts a smile on your face especially if you are walking alone.
  9. Remember just because you are in a relationship, it doesn’t mean that you don’t get lonely still.
  10. If you feel lonely in your marriage, take a walk with your partner and talk about some of the good events that you both shared in the past.  This helps to bring comfort and fun conversation to the walk.

I love to walk.  I love to walk/hike for all of the reasons above and I love to walk with my 19 year old daughter who is in college and 21 year old son, that is in the military, whenever we get the chance.  It allows all of us to chat about things that might not arise if the T.V was on, or if they were chasing pokemon on their phone.

Want to hear my musing?  Did you know….

When you walk with your head down, you are always thinking of the past.  The past could be a good reflection or a bad reflection.   When you walk with your head facing forward or up as if glancing at the sky or the trees, you are always thinking of the future.  Try it ….

What do you want to think about when you take a walk?  A bad experience or something exciting that you are wanting to happen?   Reflecting on the good times, is a good thing and can make us feel good…but if the thoughts cause some sadness and feelings of time you take a walk…face forward or look up to the sky! Join a walking group if your friends are busy or if you have moved to a new area, as not having a partner to do things with can make you feel lonelier than ever.

How do you walk?  With your head in the clouds, creating, designing and thinking of the future or down in the dumps reflecting on the past?

Share with me here if you experience a change in your thoughts now that you can make a conscious decision to walk knowing Claire’s musing …. 🙂

Have a fabulous walk my loves!

Submit a request for an online chat with me here in this link!

Reverend Claire


By | August 11th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Postpartum doula offers support for gay couples too!

Postpartum support for gay couples …

As your postpartum doula here in Orlando, Florida, I am also here to assist gay couples that have adopted a newborn baby.  The first 8 weeks of bringing a baby home can be a very tiring and scary time for any couple regardless of their sexuality or regardless of whether you have given birth and have hormones raging through your body!   I can come into your home during this time and offer you emotional, loving support that you might be needing.

The kind of support I offer is emotional or anything that is related to the day to day care of a newborn baby.  I can help you with any breastfeeding issues that you have or refer you to a lactation nurse if between the two of us, we still can’t get it down.   If your choice of feeding is bottle feeding, then I can assist you with selecting the correct formula for your baby.  I try my hardest to assist you with breastfeeding, but under no circumstances do I make you feel like you are a failure if you cannot do it.  A happy parent, is a good parent and my goal is to help you bond with the baby to the best of my ability.

If the baby has siblings, then there may be some sibling rivalry.  Let me help, by giving you some great tips on how to get little Johnny to adjust to his new role as big brother.  This is a scary time for the older brother or sister, that has had your undivided attention for so long and it is no wonder they question where they now fall into the families ‘pecking order’.

Cooking may not be your thing or let’s face it…cooking a roast chicken or preparing another healthy dinner is the last thing on your mind right now, during this tiring time.  I can help you with that.  As you nap upstairs I can snuggle with the baby and if the baby is napping or content, I can rustle up some healthy food for you that you can snack on through the day or to eat for dinner.

A partner walking into your home that smells of roast chicken (vegetarian options available) and with you feeling happier because you have had some company, is worth it’s weight in gold!

Staying home with a new baby and with nobody to chat with, can be very lonely.  Facebook might be the only thing you have that keeps you entertained, but using Facebook can make you feel lonelier during this time.  A person to come into your home, to listen to you, to offer you supportive newborn guidance and to be as your friend, without offering unwarranted advice is a plan that a lot of new parents find invaluable.

Talk to me today about how I can serve you and your family during the first 8 weeks as your postpartum doula here in Orlando, Florida!


By | August 5th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Postpartum Mom in Orlando enjoys a healthy salsa chicken dinner!

During this tiring time of bringing a newborn baby home from the hospital, the last thing on your mind is rustling up a gourmet dinner that takes hours to prepare!  It is easy to grab the boxed food from the freezer or wander around the grocery store going down the middle aisles reaching for canned, or boxed food.  But as your postpartum doula here in Orlando, If one of my errands for you, is grocery shopping and preparing a healthy dinner for you, I try to skirt myself around the perimeter of the store as much as I can, so that I know you are eating healthy.

Eating healthy of course is great for the body, but it is also good for the mind.  Baby brain is a problem we are faced with during pregnancy and even following the birth.  We forget where we put our keys, we forget appointments unless we have reminders.  There is so much going on and I am here to help you. One way I can start is by shopping for you, cooking for you and chatting with you as the crock pot bubbles with it’s contents full of deliciousness!

If you don’t have a crock pot I really suggest that you get one.  They are a God send when you are adjusting to life with a newborn baby.  I love my crock pots and still use them at least once a week.  I have two.  One that is suitable for one to two people that can fit approximately 2 chicken breasts with not much room for leftovers.  I feel that a larger crock pot is better during the postpartum period so you can have your meal cooked for you through the day (makes the house smell lovely too) and your partner will love walking in the door after work with dinner ready as he/she can serve it to you on a silver platter for all of your hard work!

So without further ado, here is your recipe ….

I can always pick up a crock pot for you as well as the ingredients on my way over for our postpartum doula visit and give you a 5 minute lesson if cooking is not your forte!

If you are using a larger crock pot than the one shown in the video above …

  1. Throw in 4 chicken breasts. If using a small crock pot, you can usually only squeeze in two breasts.
  2. Add a jar of salsa…I try to find a jar that has the ‘least’ amount of sodium in it.
  3. A handful of fresh cilantro.
  4. Some sliced *jalapeno approximately 4 slices (if you are not breastfeeding or if baby is used to spice throughout your pregnancy)  Not shown in the video.
  5. Sweet corn. Preferably not in a can (canned food has a lot of sodium)
  6. Black beans that have been soaked overnight (again, preferably not from a can as they have a lot of sodium). Not shown in the video.

Switch your crockpot onto ‘low’ and cook for approximately 4 – 6 hours…

The chicken will shed and will be so tender and the flavors will be just delicious as they slow cook all day!

Serve with brown rice, or tortillas and some lime wedges and avocado.

Hopefully you will have some leftovers that you can heat up for lunch the next day or for your partner’s dinner again, the following night.

Postpartum Mom Orlando enjoys healthy salsa chicken dinner!


*If you are slicing fresh jalapeno’s DON’T FORGET TO WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE you touch the baby or yourself.  Jalapeno’s left on the fingers, burn nipples, lips, eyes if not washed thoroughly!!

Too much sodium doesn’t help with water retention which a lot of women carry after being pregnant. Of course the sodium intake doesn’t help if you feeling bloated or if you are carrying excess baby weight that you wish to lose.

Claire xo

By | July 31st, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Nibble on a cherry!

cherries for postpartum orlando

Cherries have many benefits as they are full of so many nutrients and are fantastic for everybody to eat, but as your postpartum doula in Orlando, I am going to highlight the reason today why eating cherries is good for the postpartum Mom.

Feeling sleepy yet?

Cherries in a nutshell contain Melatonin.  Melatonin is a hormone that naturally lowers your body temperature, helping you to feel sleepy (similar to the effect of drinking warm milk)

Your body naturally produces melatonin, however cherries can increase the amount of melatonin, therefore improving the way you sleep.  Now some of you reading this might be thinking “I am so exhausted, I could fall asleep attached to a coat hanger, and I don’t need cherries!”  Some Mums (I was one of them) struggled with postpartum depression and sleep didn’t come as easy to me as it should have done.   While dealing with a newborn baby, sleep can be a deprivation and this postpartum time may cause some to suffer from insomnia.   Nibbling cherries during the day, can actually improve your nights.  However I cannot guarantee that your baby will sleep all night, but they might help you, if going back to sleep after a middle of the night feeding is an issue.

Helps with digestion … dare I say a number two!

As a general rule of thumb, the hospital doesn’t let you leave until you have done a number two.  The thought of pushing is enough to bring the strongest of us to tears after we have given birth.  Pushing out a baby feels like a watermelon has passed out of your backside at an alarming rate.  If you didn’t give birth vaginally, your body still starts shifting inside, causing your colon to do all sorts of odd things, making you feel like you might never poop again, but nibbling on those cherries which are a great source of fiber,  can aid in keeping your digestive system on track, which can be vital during this postpartum time.

If you notice you are going too frequently and this is an issue…then cut back on the cherry nibbling!  There is enough going on down there without other added issues!

Oh those poor muscles…

Eating cherries helps to reduce muscle soreness, inflammation and post workout pain. And of course this would apply for postpartum muscle inflammation as well. If you’re finding it hard to move around after a cesarean, having some cherries will definitely help you feel like a spring lamb in next to no time!

Pregnancy brain … Sorry, what were you saying again?

Cherries are referred to as “brain food”, aiding in the prevention of memory loss, which postpartum moms may experience due to stress or adjustment to a new born.  I promise I won’t forget to bring a small basket of cherries with me when I come as your postpartum doula, in Orlando!

Jiggle belly no more …

Cherries are made up of more than 75% water. This water content makes cherries a perfect weight loss food, and is low in calories, high in fiber, keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time. The anthocyanins in cherries activate a molecule that helps rev up fat burning and decrease fat storage.  NOW who wouldn’t want that?  Plus they make a healthier snack, which is much better than chowing down on chocolate!

If you can find a really good cherry juice that has no added sugar, then this is an option also. If the cherry juice is inexpensive, it is probably NOT good to drink.  The pricier the cherry juice is, the more natural it is.  Too much sugar keeps you awake and hyper and keeps the jiggle belly, jiggling for longer!

Leaving the cherries (or any other fruit) for that matter on a table, close to where you spend most of your day will encourage you to sit and snack on healthy snacks.  When they sit in the fridge and getting up and down off the couch is time consuming or painful…they might sit in there and rot.  As you get more nimble and as the inflammatory properties with cherries kick in, you will be more agile to gingerly make your way to the fridge.

Oh one more thing …. no matter how much you want your baby to sleep…do NOT feed a newborn baby cherries!  

Happy nibbling!

By | July 25th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

“Postpartum doula Orlando” is the new buzz word …

Having a postpartum doula is not just for the celebrity new Mum residing in London, Manhattan or L.A, but also for the new Mom residing in Orlando, Florida!   What is a postpartum doula?  She is a female that has experienced the ups and downs of having a newborn with her own child/ren and has attended postpartum doula training that goes with the changes of raising a newborn baby into today’s world to better serve you and your family and she is there for YOU following the birth of your baby or an adopted baby by offering in home visits.

A postpartum doula is a trendy buzzword that is roaming the streets of London and every new Mom is wanting one.   Why is she wanting one?   She may have a nanny for her baby, but what about her?  Doesn’t the mother want to be mothered too?    The first 8 weeks of bringing the baby home can be very lonely and confusing for the new Mom. Many family members are living in different states and having that strong family connection and support during this lonely time, can be stressful to new Moms.

In London, England it is customary for midwives and health visitors to come visit you at home (now the postpartum doula’s are doing it also) a few times a week to see how you are doing physically, emotionally and how you, your partner and the siblings are adjusting with the newborn.

Why would you not want a postpartum doula in Orlando, with that same support?

As your postpartum doula in Orlando, I will come to your home (I have been known to bring healthy dinner for you also as pictured below, vegetarian options are also available!) and make us tea, listen to any issues that you have with adjusting to your new role as Mom and assist you with offering supportive and caring guidance.  We can take a walk with the baby as you express any concerns you have or we can stay home and I can assist you with bathing the baby, preparing bottles or offer any other advice related to the care of a baby, that you are concerned about.

postpartum doula orlando healthy meals

Vegetarian meals are available!


Do you feel like you have more than the 3 day blues?   Let me actively listen to you and then let’s put a plan into action.  Would  you like me to make a Doctor’s appointment for you or we can discuss alternative health remedies that might suit you and your lifestyle better?  Maybe you want me to come with you to visit your doctor or acupuncturist?

It is OK if you don’t feel like superwoman, as your struggle is real to you! I don’t know your friends, I don’t gossip and whatever you share is confidential and certainly non-judgmental.

After having 2 children that were both born in England and having supportive midwives come to my home a few times a week during the first 8 weeks was invaluable.  Experiencing postpartum depression for 10 months with my first newborn and no feelings of depression with my second newborn – I have experienced both sides of the coin.  My story can be found here.

By now you are probably thinking “Heck I want one of those doula thingy’s coming to my house to support me!”

Maybe you are pregnant and your due date is in a few months time?  We can get you on the schedule for a few hours per day and if after a few visits you feel you totally have it under control, we don’t need to schedule more for you.  But having it already on the schedule following the time your partner heads back to work, is a reason in itself to get excited about extra help…don’t you think?

So what you waiting for?  Do you need a postpartum doula in your home in Orlando? How can I help you today, tomorrow or next week?

Email me ….. and let me help you figure out a flexible plan that works for you and your family.  I can’t wait to meet you!

Postpartum doula Orlando, Florida

Sometimes all you need to hear is “Let me help you!”




By | July 19th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

I feel lonely. Can I say this as a man?

I feel lonely

Loneliness is among the most common distresses and for a condition that is growing at a fast pace within our society it is still not given a great deal of professional attention.  Let’s face it, how many people would choose to join a new social group and outwardly express that the reason they are joining is because they are lonely.  Admittedly women are more likely to express this to a group of others, but very rarely will a man express to another that “I feel lonely”.  Most men have experienced bouts of loneliness within the last few weeks.

According to much research, women across all ages stress that they suffer from higher levels of loneliness than what men do.  Except, that is, in one particular group: single people. While most married women feel lonelier than married men, single men feel lonelier than single women.

Is this because women are more likely to express their loneliness than what men do, because it is just not deemed manly in some societies to admit to it?  I think so.  What do you think?

Some men when they call me just for a chat, tell me that they feel the loneliest at work because it seems that “Everybody has somebody, but me”. They feel that they can’t show it because if anyone sees them looking lonely or expressing how lonely they feel, that others will see them as desperate.   So some men put on the bravado face and give a play by play account of how fantastic their weekend was and how many girls/boys they picked up.  They do this so as to appear to others as if they have it all and that their lives are abundant with anything but the “I feel lonely” syndrome.

It is great that some men can go out and pick up the same sex or the opposite sex, but inconsistency over time and having irregularity in their lives, such as that one partner that brings familiarity on a daily basis, can over time cause men to feel more lonely than what women do during their single years.  This isn’t to say that some married men don’t get lonely, as I also hear a lot from married men that they do feel lonely (even though they don’t say in so many words “I feel lonely”).

Men can feel lonely when married, especially the months following the birth of a child.  Some men, feel left out and seek attention, feeling that the baby is getting all their partners undivided love.  They might pick up the phone to call me on their way home from work, so they don’t take their work worries from the office into the home with them.  They might not feel they will be met with an enthusiastic face once they walk in the door, so are reluctant to share their day, but instead feel like walking right back out that door again!

I am sure some women feel the same with their husbands in regards to their significant others careers.  Relationships take work, but this blog is about men and you can read other blogs on loneliness if you are a female and feel you need to talk to someone.

I feel lonely ..

A client I used to talk with always got so excited when he shared with me, offers of promotion or headhunters that had contacted him through LinkedIn.  He couldn’t contain his excitement as I used to listen to the “pro’s and cons” of each alternative.  I never directly helped him with his decision or swayed him either way, but by having me be enthusiastic for the options that were in front of him and to follow up with him on the journey, enabled him to make a decision that was right, for both himself and his family.   He wanted to share the initial start of the journey with his wife, but knew that his wife would become fearful of change and would not be as enthusiastic as what he was. Over time he did grow with the company, then became a founder of his own company. His wife stood by his side and enjoyed the luxurious lifestyle that he could offer her and their two children.  

It was a lonely time time for him and by having me listen to him and laugh or bounce ideas back and forth with him, really helped him to have that one person stand by his side and to indirectly help him with his decision regarding his career.

By now you might be thinking of picking up the phone and calling!  So what can you talk to me about today?  Do you want to talk to a female that can actively listen to you with no masculine ego and with no judgement? Then contact me here and let’s get better acquainted with Musings with Claire found on my website homepage!  You can also submit a request for an online chat with me if you don’t want to talk on the phone.  Hop into this link here and submit your request! 





By | July 13th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Need to talk to somebody

need to talk to somebody

Mamika is the alter-ego of Sacha Goldberger’s 91 year old grandmother. The story goes that Sacha realized his grandmother was lonely and dreamed up a collaborative photo project to lift her spirits!

I need to talk to somebody

As you will notice from some of my other blogs about loneliness, I tend to talk about loneliness that can come about more with the younger generation from their frustrations with social media.  Older people of course do use social media as a way to keep in touch with their families and especially their grandchildren.  The older generation tend to keep updated with images of their grandchildren through Facebook, more so than Instagram.  But this doesn’t mean that just because they are older and possibly wiser that they are any less lonely than a person in their thirties.

Older people are fun!  Really good fun and I just love their “I don’t give a crap attitude!”.  They have experienced many things over their lifetime, good and bad and have many, many interesting stories to share.  They can be wild and silly and of course cantankerous at times, but they can also be very lonely.   Lonely to the point where their only interaction on a daily basis is with a caregiver an hour a day or the T.V if they have no place to go or have nobody to come visit with them.

Quite possibly their families live out of state and are busy with raising children of their own, checking in from time to time but get frustrated with Grandma repeating the same story over and over again.  It is hard when we hear it from our family oldies at times and some of us dread the visit with Grandma, due to lack of patience, family disconnect or possibly dysfunction from the past.   But I don’t know my callers previous family dysfunction, unless they share it with me.  So I can detach myself without having those triggers that we can sometimes get with family members that ignite that flame in us, taking their bitter comments with us, back to the past.  The past that at times hurt us.

But at Phone My Friend I love hearing from older people that are lonely and that just want somebody to talk with.  Yes, they may repeat the same story to me, but I love to listen as they need to talk to somebody, as it helps them so much, just by having somebody to talk to that has the time to listen.  I also find their lives fascinating.  Their stories are quite possibly fabricated or exaggerated at times, but nonetheless I love hearing from them and what they have to share with me.

I need to talk to somebody.  How many times have you said that to yourself?  Older people feel like that a lot of the time and just want to talk to somebody that will listen to them.  They can talk to me about what they are watching on T.V and I try to watch the same show they watch, so the next time we talk I can mention a scene or an episode with them that piqued both of our interests.   Downton Abby is an all time favorite with my older callers and I can most definitely relate to that show as it is also one of my favorites.  Getting them to talk about their lifestyle, past or present, lifts their moods and really, really brightens their day!

I think it is wonderful that Sacha Goldberg the photographer took some amazing photos of his Grandmother as seen above, to lift her spirits as she was lonely.   More images of her can be seen here and they are definitely worth peeking at, as they are such good fun and very inspirational!   Bless the older generation as we have so much to learn from them!

By | July 6th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

I am so lonely

I am so lonely

I am so lonely.  Have you ever said this to anybody that is in your circle of friends or family?

Chances are you have probably said to yourself “I am so lonely”, but to actually say that out loud to a friend in your circle or to a family member is very hard for most people.  It is hard because you feel that you will be judged and that the person that you are telling this too, will be offended and possibly take it personally.  But all you are trying to do is to offload how lonely you feel and really only want them to listen to how you feel.

When you tell your husband, partner or friend “I am so lonely” you might be met with a response such as “How can you say this, you always look so happy?” or “Huh, I give you everything, how can you still feel lonely?”   Responses like this might make you feel like your feelings are not being validated and that they might as well just tell you that you are being ridiculous and that your perception of how you feel is all wrong.  But you have your own reasons as to why you feel lonely or maybe you don’t actually know why you feel so lonely, but you just want to have the freedom of expression and share that with somebody that you trust.  Share that with somebody that will just listen, not judge and not take it personally.

Just expressing how lonely you feel to somebody out loud can trigger that feel good response within you, where you finally ‘get’ what exactly it is that is making you feel this way.  By expressing yourself and by just being heard, helps. When you need somebody to talk to, you might turn to social media but actually realize it might be your interactions on there that are actually making you say to yourself or out loud “I am so lonely”.  This is a possibility and one that some don’t think about, until they dig deep.

So what can you do about it?  It always helps to know why you feel the way that you do and to try your best to change it with the help of a therapist.  Or maybe you don’t feel you need therapy at this time, but you just need to vent?  You want to build a relationship with somebody that doesn’t know your friends, family or even know what you look like.   You want to share your secrets or rants as they listen to you and offer you words of empathy.   Your reality is very real to you and even if I can’t really understand what you are feeling because I haven’t experienced what you want to vent about, I can most definitely offer you my compassion, making you feel safe.   Compassion builds relationships and makes you feel safer.

Judging, criticizing disagreeing and having people around you, not validating your feelings makes you say to yourself or others “I am so lonely”.

I am so lonely you say…so what are you waiting for?

Let’s get better acquainted and build a relationship over the phone where you are free to vent and share, stories, secrets or anything that interests you in total confidence with a friendly person that listens to what you really have to say without judgement or criticism!


By | July 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Need someone to talk to?

Need someone to talk to

Need someone to talk to?

Need someone to talk too that really listens to what you have to say?  In this digital age and with social media becoming a big vacuum of our time causing some of our relationships to diminish as we immerse ourselves with receiving affirmations from the likes or no likes that we get on Facebook or Instagram.   All of these interactions that we have by using social media and hiding behind the keyboard can make a lot of people feel lost among the virtual chaos feeling lonelier than ever.    We all want to feel validated but the instant gratification that so many people want in relations to a post that they have posted can sometimes mean more to them subconsciously than the actual event that took place.

How many parents do you see at children’s birthday parties stand behind the lens of a camera taking multiple shots of the child blowing the candles from the cake, concerning themselves with the best shot, the best filter and which social media platform to post it too first?  It all seems exciting and it all seems as if they are having a great time.  I am sure they are.  But there are also a lot of disappointments that follow when you don’t get as many likes as you thought you would, or you might get a comment that was unintentional, but hurtful to you.  Not to mention that you are truly missing out on the event when you are peering at it from behind a lens.  You are living for the actual image and not focusing truly on the present event.  All of these feelings over time, such as needing the instant gratification as described can make some people feel abandoned, which of course, can create loneliness.

People are yearning for solid relationships where they have somebody that just listens to them.  Just listens to what they have to say without passing comment or judgement.   They have the desire to talk to somebody that really listens and they also have the desire to talk to somebody that listens in total confidence without sharing your secrets with the circle of friends that you both share.

What a lot of people don’t see ten minutes before the happy go lucky Facebook post or ten minutes after the happy go lucky post is a disagreement that took place between both people.  So a lot of people stuck in a funk, with no party to go to, see posts that others are doing, thinking it is all butterflies and roses, making them feel lonelier than ever, when in actuality we all know that no relationship is perfect, but some don’t see it that way.  They buy into it whether they really realize it or not and slowly the loneliness or not feeling good enough factor creeps in.

I once had a friend that moved to a different state a few years ago and she missed us all terribly.  She shared with me that every time she saw pictures of us all online at various events, she just sat with a glass of wine and wanted to cry.  She said she had never felt so lonely and was concerned about picking up the phone and calling even though she really needed somebody to talk too, but felt we were all too busy having so much fun.  What she didn’t know at the time was, that two of the girls had a disagreement and one got a cab home and every time we went out, we always spoke about her and how we wished she was there with us.  We all thought because we didn’t see her on social media that she was busy and having too much fun to post.  This wasn’t the case.  She had nothing to post, because she felt miserable and lonely.

This was an eye opener for me and I suddenly realized if she felt like that, how many others feel like they are losing that solid human conversational connection and just want a person that they can talk too about how lonely they feel.

So at Phone My Friend, I am here to listen to you if you sit there and say to yourself “I feel so lonely, I just want to talk to somebody that really listens”  I can listen to you as your share your secrets, your frustrations or anything that you need to offload.  I don’t know your friends, I don’t know your family and whatever you share when you are lonely and needing somebody to talk too, will be heard without judgement, or ridicule and of course in total confidence.  Your perception of how you see your life is very real to you and I can help you by listening to you as you share.

It makes callers feel safe when they offload their frustrations to somebody and I know you are not always looking to be fixed or analyzed.  You just need somebody to talk to.   I am here for you when you need to talk to someone that cares about what you have to say.


By | July 1st, 2016|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Does your need to be right, stop you from listening?


I want to be heard and need somebody to talk too

Is your need to be right, much stronger than your need to listen? After watching this video that I stumbled upon,  it really gave me a lot to think about. I thought about all the people that I have known and still know that were/are great listeners. Some people say that men are not good listeners, or that they are not as good at listening as what women are. I have always listened with interest when people say this, but after  experiencing conversations with many men that were phenomenal listeners I tend to disagree with this statement. Do I disagree because I have the need to be right? No, I disagree because I have learnt from a few men that actually taught me a lot about how to listen and how to listen, well.  I disagree because most of the poor listeners all have the same thing in common …

It is important to develop active listening on a daily basis in general conversation and not just during a disagreement.   Because during the times that include general conversation if there is a lack in listening, it can over time cause more disagreements or feelings of loneliness.  Listening well is listening without the need to be right, regardless if you are male or female. So I took a good look at all the people in my life without judgment as they are who they are and this is fine. We are all different and we all have our own qualities to share.

The one thing I did learn from this video below and from my own experiences was that the poor listeners absolutely were the ones who always had to be right. They couldn’t bear to be wrong and their point was always more valuable to them than the actual conversation itself.

Are you competitive?

This took me onto thinking further about the person that always wants to be right and I figured after listening to them, or by remembering conversations I have had in the past with them and with others today, that the more competitive a person is, the poorer they are at listening.

The more competitive I feel a person is with me, the more I retreat and let them have their glory. I am competitive with myself but not with anybody else.  I have the committee meetings in my head that usually wake me up at 3 am…but I can disagree with them mentally as the only person I am judging is myself by proving myself wrong.  I have always felt that when you are competitive with others you are basically saying “I am not good enough and you are much better“. It’s great for me that I am not competitive with others as I probably wouldn’t be actively listening to you as you share with me here on Phone My Friend!

When we suspend our right to be right and suspend our judgments we can share with an open heart.  This takes me on to the juicy topic of social media and how it affects what we actually hear.

How social media can make people feel lonely.

We communicate through social media by exposing ourselves, getting likes, hearts and unfortunately by also getting judged.  There is no surprise that teens today are struggling to feel accepted and are harder on themselves than with previous generations. With nobody really listening, giving superficial hearts or giving no hearts to an emotional post, through fear of thinking they will be judged for ‘liking’ the sad, emotional post, leaves social media ninja’s feeling anything less than whole.

Pretty powerful how social media is changing the way we communicate ….  I have a couple of teens on Instagram that follow me and I see their sad posts.  Unfortunately two in particular post about their desire to end their life. They talk about how much they hate themselves and how they wish things were different.  Do you know what I see when I read these posts other than a desire to listen to their story?   I see hundreds and I mean hundreds of ‘likes’ or ‘hearts’ to their desire to end their life!   Hardly anybody posts “thinking of you, please be strong” or “what can I do to help?”.   They get ‘liked’ for their desire to end their life!!

Now I may be judging the other followers for ‘liking’ the post?  The person who posts the comment may be judging them?  The person ‘liking’ the post might be concerned they will be ‘judged’.  Is your head in a spin?  Mine is!  Social media is changing the way we communicate and the human voice is becoming silent.  But words are so powerful and ‘hearts’ and ‘likes’ can become so destructible.

Do you want to be heard?  

Next time somebody is talking to you.  Hopefully you are listening, but if you butt in, pay attention as to why you interrupted the speaker.  Could it be because you just want to be right?   Or if next time you are talking and you want to be heard is the person you are talking too, really not listening, but just wanting to be right?

I hope you enjoy the video below as it is very interesting. Food for thought…

By | June 30th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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