What goals do you have for yourself? Are they goals that are personal or business related? Maybe you have goals for both areas of your life?

The goals in itself are not always good enough in regards to attainment. Because things get hard, you might want to throw the towel in and give up. But if you have a strong enough WHY you want to succeed in whatever your goals are, if that reason is compelling enough for you and is an intrinsic goal – nothing will stop you.

Your WHY in life will help you achieve your goals whatever they might be and no matter what, the rest will follow.
Hard work and persistence will always pay off more than talent and genetics. Of course, having both of those things is helpful, but the most important thing is knowing and understanding your WHY.

If you’re feeling a little unmotivated or you’re feeling a little lost, sit down and ask yourself “What do I really want?” Get to the core reason, then set that goal and know that you are going to get it.

When things get hard and life happens – it won’t matter because you have that WHY. You have that compelling reason that’s bigger than whatever obstacle is in your way.

If you are still unsure about your WHY, allow me to give you a brief example and a very personal secret that a lovely lady I once knew shared with me many years ago….

Sally’s story …. (Name has been changed) Sally was a very lonely but successful business owner and also the wife of a very successful surgeon. Money was no issue in their life and she had the perfect life to anybody looking from the outside in. Sally didn’t need to work and her friends that knew nothing about her secret, questioned her constantly about the long hours that she worked and wondered why she worked when her husband was an amazing man and very generous. But Sally had a secret that she only shared with a few close people that she trusted. Sally discovered that her husband had an addiction to pain medication and used his profession as a means to maintaining his addiction.

Sally knew that at any time her world could come crumbling down and leave her and her son in a financial ruin or in a worst case scenario a widow and her son without a father. Sally knew that she had to find a way to make money that could sustain both her and her son if divorce got nasty or if a death was in their future. This was her WHY. She worked hard and had that cushion so she could support herself and her son if the worst was to happen. Thankfully the worst didn’t happen.

Her husband did find help and has been clean for a few years now and she sold her business but went onto another business that was less stressful for her, but still gave her security just in case.

Knowing her WHY is what made Sally very, very successful at achieving her personal financial goals.

Want to know how to kick it up a notch and how to achieve your goal as if by magic? Please read this follow up blog to your WHY so you can achieve your goal that much quicker!

lonely and need to know what your purpose is

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